Thursday, June 19, 2008

Patterns Of Force...


- The picture that heads this post is of John Macias (Circle One) and Greg Graffin (Bad Religion). It is one of my favorite pictures. I hope you like it as much as I do.

- This summer is shaping up to be great, and it's not even actually summer yet! There are always great hangouts, whether it's at a show, at someone's house or anywhere else. Man, everywhere we go, we take over. Sometimes this bums people out, but who cares. If you can't laugh and have a good time, then you shouldn't be around.

- Monday is a great show:
Come and hangout and have a good time. There are at least three good bands playing and I am sure there will be mega fun eating hangouts after! See you there!

- You know what I hate? Lingerers. People who used to be into hardcore but now they are somehow too good for it. Hey, if you find something else in life that you are into, awesome! I'm all for finding things to be excited about. What makes these lingerers bad is that they put down hardcore and say how lame it is and how shitty everyone involved in it is.... yet you see them at all the shows! They still hang around, putting things down and spreading their misery, yet they are too stupid to leave!!! Pathetic! There are tons of great bands and people and shows and hangouts and they need to go away and make room for people who count.

- That is all for now!

1 comment:

TAYLOR said...

cool picture, post more