Sunday, November 9, 2008

I see...

I see people who will do or say anything to fit in and be accepted. Never mind who your friends are or what opinions you might have, because that changes depending who is around.
I see a pathetic fashion show that reminds me more of high school than anything else. Got to make sure you got that cool new shirt design on. Got to make sure all the people make sure you are down with all the right bands.
I see people who are so far from having an opinion of their own. Clowns wandering around, afraid to offend anyone, people without opinions, people who will change their mind of things depending who is around. Man, got to make sure everyone likes you. Soon enough, you will be the king of the scene!
I see people who support anything they are told is cool. Never mind the quality.
I see people who judge others based on the shirts they have on or the shoes they wear.
I see people who cannot accept others opinions and ideas.
I see crappy bands who get sad when someone doesn't like their music. Man, if those people spend half the time writing quality songs as they spent defending their bands mediocre releases then maybe people wouldn't be putting it down.
I see hardcore kids with stars (and dollar signs) in their eyes.
I see straight edge kids who aren't even straight edge.
I see people who care too much what other people think.
I see people who will read this and think, "None of that is me!", but in reality most of it is!

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