Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ruining Nature...

I was in the bookstore the other day and I was looking through magazines, and what do I happen to see?
Maximum Rock And Roll. The newest issue.
Let me tell you...
What a piece of shit that waste of paper has become! I remember spending much time as a young warrior, reading that magazine over and over, looking at all the adds and ordering stuff, memorizing reviews so I knew what to get when I went to the store.
I read the entire thing the other day, but it lacks all the soul and substance that made it something special many moons ago. It has safe reviews. Run of the mill columns. And an overwhelming sense of wasted trees. Nature is pissed. And I would be too if someone cut me apart and used me to create complete shit. The one worthwhile thing in the entire issue was a good review of the new Resolve 7". Otherwise, complete junk. Tim Yohannan (sp?) must roll over in his grave on a regular basis.
At least Flipside knew when it was time to retire.

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